Thursday, January 6

12 Signs a Woman is Deperate for a Relationship

12 Signs a Woman is Deperate for a Relationship

  1. Persistent serial dater-This is one of the ways a guy can tell a woman’s desperate for a date because she’s constantly with a guy and usually ones that doesn’t stick around very long and she can’t be alone she’s in and out of relationships before they really get started.
  2.  Micromanaging her entire life and existence around a guy – This is something that would drive the average guy nuts because she’s got everything she’s doing that day, night, minute, weekend all mapped out without much consideration for the guy’s schedule. Plus she’ll begin planning her future prematurely by already thinking marriage and kids before the second month of dating its stuff like this which have many guys bailing on a girl because men want to know that the woman they’re dating is not mentally unbalanced.
  3. Getting too attached way too fast – This can creep guys out when girls start getting attached to them too fast and even more saying ‘I love you’ after a few dates and usually before the first month has even gone by. This can border on excessive and many guys will bail when this happens by not returning phone calls or emails.
  4. The need of calling, emailing, and texting way too much – The fact that we all like to have that sense of communication, but some women take it overboard by calling, texting, or emailing a guy more than several times a day. What women don’t realize is that guys find it annoying when they’re having their phone blown up with calls and text messages or excessive emails more than several times a day. It’s fine call and check in or text if the guy’s someplace where he can’t answer the phone, but to call every few minutes until he answers will result in you talking to his voicemail more than him.
  5. Attaching herself to your social circle – Part of dating is to have your own circle of friends, but some women find themselves wanting to attach herself to a guy’s social circle. If you find that the woman is wanting to hang out with your friends all the time and not have any time for her own separate friends she’s clingy and needy.
  6. Always wants to spend time with you-Guys every now and then want to spend time doing other things or being with other people, but when a woman starts to want to be around you all the time it can become annoying and after a while a woman is going to wear out her welcome with a guy if she’s not able to do her own thing.
  7. Putting off her priorities for a guy – This is one thing that’s never clearly understood with females is why they’re putting off their priorities for a guy and even more when they ditch their friends for a guy and the only time they’ll speak to them is when the guy stops calling and dumps the woman and she needs to unload her problems on her friends.
  8. Too overly sentimental – This is a classic sign of emotional weakness because the mushy, romantic sentiment can lose meaning after a certain point.
  9. Wanting to meet the family too soon – There’s that rule of thumb about dating that you should give so much time before introducing family and other relatives. If you’re dealing with a woman who’s pushing to meet family and other relatives and you’re barely dating two months that’s a red flag that it maybe time to hang this relationship up and move on to someone who knows how to let a relationship grow on its own.
10.  Dressing in attire that’s too provocative and inappropriate-This is also an indicator of insecurity and low-self esteem when a woman has to show off her body especially if she’s overweight or deemed unattractive. If you come across this type of female it’s time to move on to someone who’s comfortable in her own body and doesnt need to show it off to everyone she comes in contact with.
11.  Has the incapability to do something by herself – This is something guys find hard to deal with are women who are unable to be on their own for a certain amount of time which opens up possible unresolved issues. If you’re finding yourself having to visit situations and problems again and again this is the time to decide whether you want to continue seeing someone who’s got attachment issues.
12.  Always agrees with what a guy says – This also points to someone who doesnt have the ability to think for herself and to not challenge someone on things in general conversation opens up another issue with insecurity.

Posted on December 30, 2010 by kmiller

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